Aramaic Lords prayer Bracelet - Silver
-Ahbwoon d’bwoshmaya-
The first line of this prayer/mantra is a beginning and end in itself.
There Is a ‘Source that encompasses All’
Acknowledging That brings us into humility, a necessary state to enter communion.
The inscription on the inside ‘Shanti Christo’ links Source to Created, the Unalom indicates there is a Journey towards the Peaceful Heart of Christ.
-Ahbwoon d’bwoshmaya-
The first line of this prayer/mantra is a beginning and end in itself.
There Is a ‘Source that encompasses All’
Acknowledging That brings us into humility, a necessary state to enter communion.
The inscription on the inside ‘Shanti Christo’ links Source to Created, the Unalom indicates there is a Journey towards the Peaceful Heart of Christ.
-Ahbwoon d’bwoshmaya-
The first line of this prayer/mantra is a beginning and end in itself.
There Is a ‘Source that encompasses All’
Acknowledging That brings us into humility, a necessary state to enter communion.
The inscription on the inside ‘Shanti Christo’ links Source to Created, the Unalom indicates there is a Journey towards the Peaceful Heart of Christ.
You are invited to take a deep breath and receive this Powerful Transmission of Yeshua/Jesus’ Prayer in it’s original language.
This masterful prayer operates not only at the level of words, but also on the level of frequency and sound.
Allow yourself to sit in the silent echo of this transmission for at least a minute or so after the last Ameyn as you connect to the Rememberance of your Divine Self.
Deepening understanding and practise of first line
Ah bwoon d’bwashmaya- root meaning; Our Birth(er) in Unity
King James translation; Our Father which art in heaven.
Poetic translations straight from Aramaic;
-Father Mother of the Cosmos, ever shimmering Light of All.
-Divine Source,all encompassing wholeness.
-‘Oh Thou , Breathing Life of All Creator of the Shimmering Sound that touches us’
Practise, intone;
Breath in on dotted lines
...Ahbwoon d’bwoshmaya...
Follow the breath down into the belly, allow connection to the field of prayer to open you up to the line/mantra before you, then allow the words to flow over your vocal cords, impregnating your auric Field, literally bringing heavenly realities to earth.
Sit in the echo of your practise, feel...
And Behold All things are made New.